Like A Mother with Katie McGrady
Loving, Learning, Laughing and (lots of) Laundry....Meet some women who have been in your shoes – or the one you could find this morning – and have something to say about it. Whether it is over a stack of laundry, homeschooling lessons, or office paperwork, take a break with award-winning Catholic author, international speaker, and Sirius XM radio host Katie Prejean McGrady for honest conversations and about navigating the joys, struggles, and well-earned wrinkles that come from the beautiful, messy vocation of mothering. Like a Mother is a OSV Podcasts partner.
Like A Mother with Katie McGrady
Listening to the Spirit with Cindy Parks Bird
Cindy Bird went back to graduate school years after graduating from college, while in the midst of the sometimes busiest years of motherhood. Why? Because she was prompted by the Holy Spirit. How do we listen to the Spirit, when it comes to discernment, parenting, within our marriage, and as we’re navigating big life changes? Now a licensed professional mental health counselor, and of course still a wife and mom, Cindy shares her story, offers insight into how to listen to the Spirit, how to connect with our kids, and not fall prey to imposter syndrome as moms.
This episode is sponsored by Saint Mary's Press: Saint Mary’s Press wants to help the children, tweens, and teens in your parish to learn, love, and LIVE the Scriptures! Their Bibles are incredible! They are designed specifically for each age-group, with colorful designs and offer unique Catholic content so young people can connect with Christ and the Church. Take a look at smp.org/bibles
An OSV Podcasts original. Discover more ways to live, learn, and love your Catholic faith at osvpodcasts.com. Sharing stories, starting conversations.