Like A Mother with Katie McGrady
Loving, Learning, Laughing and (lots of) Laundry....Meet some women who have been in your shoes – or the one you could find this morning – and have something to say about it. Whether it is over a stack of laundry, homeschooling lessons, or office paperwork, take a break with award-winning Catholic author, international speaker, and Sirius XM radio host Katie Prejean McGrady for honest conversations and about navigating the joys, struggles, and well-earned wrinkles that come from the beautiful, messy vocation of mothering. Like a Mother is a OSV Podcasts partner.
Like A Mother with Katie McGrady
Like A Mother Rewind: Forming Principles with Integrity with Sharon McMahon of @SharonSaysSo
Join us for Like A Mother Rewind, where Katie shares one of her favorite episodes. Dive into this rebroadcast with guest Sharon McMahon!
As Sharon McMahon became painfully aware of how dramatically uninformed people were about basic principles of civics and government, she took to Instagram and began sharing facts. And it went viral. She became a sensation, and her friendly, approachable, informative style of sharing news, information, and holding space for hard conversations has garnered over 4 million followers on Instagram, launched an incredible podcast, and has made her “America’s government teacher.” And she’s done all that, with integrity and firmly planted in a desire to share truthfully, as a mother.
This episode is sponsored by University of Saint Francis Beauty Will Save The World Summer Theology Camp. To learn more visit: https://go.sf.edu/beauty
An OSV Podcasts original. Discover more ways to live, learn, and love your Catholic faith at osvpodcasts.com. Sharing stories, starting conversations.